This month of May, while celebrating 18 May, every year reminds me also the lost of my friend, my hero, and a son of Somaliland, Dr. Abdishakur A Jowhar, RIP.
Dr. Jowhar passed away after a car accident in 13 May 2012. It was a huge lost for all. Alle ha u naxariisto.
He wrote seven years before that same day, “May 13, 2005 is such a day in the history of all Somalis in general and in that of Somaliland in particular” in reference to the demonstration of Somalilanders in Hargeysa against the death of Khadar Adan Osman, who was shot and killed by a police officer. He added “in Hargeysa, Somaliland, on May 13, 2005, the Gabooye and the Midgaan spoke their name aloud and shattered the silence and ignorance of a vicious cultural tyranny. The demonstrators forced Somaliland society to look into the mirror and behold the ugly face of injustice. And to their credit Somaliland society is listening and is intent on ushering the era of the emancipation of all citizens of Somaliland from the old archaic and moribund belief system and a decaying way of life.”
Read: “We lost a friends, a hero: a tribute to a true patriot”, Dhaxalreeb series, I/2012, May 2012.