QARAAMI – the fading melody of Somali classical music

QARAAMI – the fading melody of Somali classical music

Qaraami is the Somali Classical Music produced in the decades of 1940 – 1960. The…

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“Sacbul” – Cali Axmed Raabbi “Cali Seenyo”: faallayn iyo sharraxaad

“Sacbul” – Cali Axmed Raabbi “Cali Seenyo”: faallayn iyo sharraxaad

Lix ka mid ah maansooyinka uu Cali Axmed Raabbi “Cali Seenyo” tiriyey waxa ay ka…

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So At One With You: An Anthology of Modern Poetry in Somali

So At One With You: An Anthology of Modern Poetry in Somali

My latest article published on East African Literary and Cultural Studies is available online. Download…

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“Somaliland, terre de poètes?” – My conversation with  Laure Broulard

“Somaliland, terre de poètes?” – My conversation with Laure Broulard

To listen “Somaliland, terre de poètes?”, conversation with Laure Broulard on Somali literature in Somaliland,…

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